Social Media Packages

Social media marketing requires both strategy and creativity. While it may seem overwhelming, its importance cannot be overstated. It’s so important that 97% of marketers are using social media and 78% of salespeople outsell their peers by using social media for their business.

Plus, its benefits extend far beyond increasing sales.

However, not all businesses are aware of the benefits of social media marketing. In fact, 50% of small businesses aren’t using social media to promote their business. That’s an alarming number. Even more concerning is that an additional 25% don’t plan to use social media in the future either.

Clearly, there is a disconnect between those who are seeing the benefits of social media and those struggling to get started.

If the latter sounds like you, keep reading. You’re about to learn how social media marketing can help build your business. Some of the benefits you’ll learn about include:

Growing your brand awareness.

Social media marketing will make it easy to spread the word about your products and mission.

Increasing your traffic.

Using social media and linking it to your website will increase your traffic tremendously.

Promoting your products and services.

This is ultimately why you invest in marketing, right?

Social Media Goals

Brand Awareness

Gaining brand recognition is one of any business’ most important marketing goals. That’s because consumers want to buy brands they recognize. Thankfully, social media allows for easy and effective brand building.

Tell Your Brand’s Story

Using social media is a great way to share your brand’s mission and share stories. Effective stories can have a great impact on your brand’s image.

Generate a Conversion

A strong social media marketing strategy will generate conversation about your brand, products, and partners.Take this example from PlayStation. A simple post saying congratulations to Naughty Dog (the company behind the new video game Uncharted 4) for its success generated feedback on the game.

Direct Referral Traffic To Your Site Or Blog

Social media marketing can assist in sending customers directly to your site.


Social media is becoming a powerful business tool. It is very common for businesses to post their latest achievements and other useful customer information on various media sites. Businesses are attracted to the marketing part of social media because they can control the messaging.

But, the reality is, what business owner really has the time to do postings, make them user-friendly, compelling, and market their branding and conversions and run a business.

At Tier 1 Digital, we realized a long time ago that Internet Marketing went beyond just an amazing website. We offer many different opportunities to drive traffic to your website.

Our Social Media Platform is just one of them, spearheaded by Social Media Marketing Specialists who take the time to know your business and post about it on the social media platforms on the web.

Social Media is not a one-size fits all so we offer different packages and posting options.




5 posts weekly on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google Plus




5 Posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus And Pinterest




10 posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus and Pinterest


Custom program utilizing all Social Media Platforms to include YouTube Channel Video ads, Facebook Ads, and Social Media Posting, Internet management, reporting and more.